July 6, 11 a.m. - FISHEYE GALLERY - Rencontres de la photographie in ARLES - Third edition of the PRIX PHOTOGRAPHIE & SCIENCES
This third « Photography & Science » prize, 2023 edition, aims to be fully in line with this shared dynamic around a professional photographer from the French scene (French creators or artists working and/or residing in France, whatever their nationality): to create, in a collaborative and participative spirit, the ideal conditions for the production of sensitive content, with photographers and scientists sharing thoughts and resources, composing new knowledge in a kind of factory of the possible.
This annual prize is open to all professional photographers on the French scene (French creators or artists working and/or living in France, whatever their nationality) developing an auteur photography. An endowment of 7,000 euros will support the winning photographer in finalizing a photographic series in progress, combining photography and science. Remuneration for the winning photographer will be included in the prize money. The winning photographer will also benefit from dedicated communication with media partners. The presentation of the series will be the subject of a round table with screening at ADAGP (Paris) in 2024 and an exhibition at STIMULTANIA (Strasbourg) in 2025.
- Call for entries: Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 11am at the Fisheye Gallery at the Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles.
- Application deadline: September 15, 2023 at 7pm.
- Jury meeting: October 3, 2023 at ADAGP (Paris).
- Announcement of winner: October 14, 2023.
- Restitutions: round table with projection at ADAGP (Paris) in 2024 and an exhibition at STIMULTANIA (Strasbourg) in 2025.
All the information can be found on the Prix Photo & Sciences page: