espace(s) et sport, le corps À l'Épreuve
Arianna Sanesi is an Italian photographer based in Paris. After a Master’s degree in History of Photography at the University of Bologna, she studied at the CFP Bauer in Milan and the DMJX in Aarhus, Denmark.
In 2015, she received a grant from the Festival Photoreporter in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc to work on the theme of feminicide in Italy, and she exhibited her project in October 2015.
She is currently working on a number of personal projects and, with her colleague Francesca Loprieno, has set up ‘L’esprit de l’escalier’, an artistic duo that deals with creation, publishing and educational projects.
In 2021, the book « There’s no such thing as crimes of passion », co-authored with historians Lydie Bodiou and Fréderic Chauvaud, was published by D’une rive à l’autre.
Arianna Sanesi is the winner of the Factory #15 residency.
She is in residence from 4 to 13 June at the Cité de l’espace in Toulouse for a project on the theme ‘Space(s) and sport, the body to the test’.
Arianna Sanesi has long been working on a project involving professional gymnasts.
As well as questioning the limits and potential of the body, she sees many similarities between top-level sport and a serious artistic approach: both require dedication, sacrifice, strength, repetition, obsession and often pain; both confront the notions of success and failure on a daily basis.
The quality of the images is important, but even more so is the need to navigate through them to decipher the details.
On the strength of this experience, Arianna applied for the residency ‘Space(s) and sports, the body put to the test’, which already suggested several interpretations of the word ‘space’ and the notion of ‘test’. Her proposal is to work with gymnasts to get them to interact with the spaces of the Cité de l’espace, including in their broadest sense.
broadest sense. The move towards employing circus performers was a natural one, given the tradition of the city of Toulouse, and a source of enrichment for her: the circus is not a sport but an art, and the result is a genuine collaboration between artists that has surprised her and, in fact, put her to the test.
It’s a real team effort, in which the space with lower-case and capital E is the most demanding and unique teammate.